Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lets begin...

As my first post to this blog, I have to begin with a few things.

1. There is a ton of background information that I should share, and will share, eventually. Right now, I keep putting off blogging about the events that have gotten me to this point, but have so many current things that I want to blog about. So for the time being, I'm starting right here, right now, and will eventually delve into past events.

2. I'm new to blogging (in this sense), so please bare with me. I have studied abroad twice before and kept blogs during those trips, but those were just so my family and friends could keep up with what I was doing, and to be honest, they were very elementary. I'm hoping that this blog, again eventually, turns into something more than just my journal of "I did this, then that, I saw this, and ate that".

3. Things are so up in the air right now and I'm very nervous that I won't be accepted to teach in Korea at all, so there's that.

So here it goes...

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