Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I know I'm behind on blogging (I'll catch up soon, I promise) but I just have to write a small blurb about my love for my students (yet again).

I just started back to school for the new semester and, while 7 of my second grade (sophomore) classes changed and I now have 5 new second grade classes, I still have all 12 of my first grade (freshman) classes. I also got a new time schedule, and I was disappointed to see that I have 2 days that I have 3 classes back to back... last semester I was tired after just 2, but 3?! Wow, that is going to take a lot of energy.

BUT NOT WHEN YOUR FIRST CLASS IS YOUR FAVORITE.    EVER! (well, on Tuesdays anyways, Fridays are a different story)

My first class on Tuesday mornings (I have 1st, 2nd and 3rd period classes on Tuesdays) is my favorite class and this morning was my first time for teaching 3 in a row... they are angels. ANGELS I tell you. I love those boys. They all trail in and nearly every single one greets me in a raised, high tone, excited voice. "HI TEACHA!" "LONG TIME NO SHEE TEACHA!" Ah, these kids. They were all so energetic walking into class. We talked, we joked (I gave them a hard time for liking this HORRIBLE girl group KPOP song- then they talked me into letting them watch it if they had extra time at the end of class, and of course they did, and of course said horrible song is stuck in my head).

But these boys, I just really can't describe how amazing they are. They all participate. They all ask questions. They have a pretty decent level of English. They all pay attention. Yes, every once and a while they get a little loud, but that is probably because I'm laughing so hard I think I might pee myself. By the end of class, my face is always hurting from laughing so much.

Anyway, I couldn't contain my love for these boys, I just had to share :)

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