Thursday, January 17, 2013

No updates really...

I realize that I haven't updated in a while... but thats pretty much because there isn't really anything to update about... I'm still waiting for a placement, meaning I have no flight, no visa, and no contract.

I have, however, been on vacation for about a week and a half now, up in Kentucky, visiting friends and family. My first week was spent with my Mom's side of the family... playing cards, ping pong and darts and eating really good southern style food (OMG macaroni and cheese!). I've now said goodbye to that side of the family and am spending some time with my best friend, Jen. With us, we can just pick up where we left off... We have a type of friendship that we don't have to talk every day, we might not tell each other every little detail of our lives, but when we do talk, or are together, we are like sisters. She is someone that I consider family, and will miss just as much as any other family member while I'm gone. We have watched some TV, eaten out, and shopped a little. This weekend we are going to a winery and do a few other things, but we really just hang out when we get the chance. Right now, she is still in school, so during the day I have pretty much been laying in bed with her cat, Smokey (the only cat in the world that I like), and catching up on Facebook and all things internet....

This is where Eat Your Kimchi comes in... EYK is a blog that a couple from Canada started several years ago about their lives in Korea. They are now so popular, they have bought a studio and have become full-time bloggers. I kept hearing about them, but never really watched anything of theirs (I'm not really sure why though), but the last few days I've been watching their videos NON-STOP! First of all, they are hilarious. And secondly, they are quite informative... I've only gotten through a fraction of their past videos, which are pretty much the ones about life in Korea, but they also are super big into all things KPOP. Seeing as KPOP is another subject of Korea that I need to get into, I'm sure that I'll be watching several of their videos on music as well....

So until I have more to say or another update, I'll see you later...

** On a side note, I did receive an encouraging email from my EPIK Coordinator the other day. I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to jinx anything, but keep your fingers crossed that things work out the way he thinks they will!! **

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