Monday, January 6, 2014

Pickle the Puppy

Recently several friends of mine have been posting quite a few pictures of their adorable pets and I've gotten quite home sick in the fact that I miss my dog. No she wasn't really mine, and no we didn't snuggle and cuddle like I would've liked (we had more of a jealous-sister relationship haha), but you ever really understand how much being around a pet makes a difference until they aren't around anymore (or in this case, I'm not around anymore). Being around dogs and puppies brings so much warmth and fun into you life, and I definitely missed that.

So a few of my friends and I decided to head to the animal shelter (about 45 minutes by bus from my house) to take some doggies for walks. My friends had gone before, but I had never made it out with them. When we got there, it broke my heart to see the adorable dogs in the cages, all I wanted to do was take them all home with me. After cuddling with several of the dogs (and one adorable, tiny puppy the size of my hand) we grabbed our harnesses and leashes and headed out with our dogs. Apparently they asked Adrienne to sign a little piece of paper with some of her information, but sometimes they don't even do that. You just walk in, grab a dog, and go play.

So we took our puppies on a quick 10 minute walk to Duryu Park, along the way giving our dogs names. Mine was Pickle, I have no idea why, it just seemed to fit. Adrienne's was Heisenberg because he was old, and Lolly's was Arrow because she had a 'v' shape on her head that looked like an arrow. We walked up the (extremely muddy and messy) path to the main area of the park where we were greeted with a huge field full of people and their dogs. It struck me as crazy that they would let their dogs run free (without leashes attached) but I guess that is just the sign of a well-trained dog. We plopped down in the middle of one grassy area (well, would-be grassy, but it is currently dead grass) and held on to our doggies tightly (we didn't know how well-trained they were). We were instantly swarmed by not only dogs wanting to play but also kids. It was adorable.

It was a ton of fun playing with the dogs, I definitely needed a little puppy love in my life. It was hard to take them back to the shelter, but I can't wait to go back and see them again!

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