Saturday, December 29, 2012

The $100 waiting game

Yesterday morning my apostilled background check and diploma were delivered to my front door!

I was super excited, but had to get the rest of my documents together before I could send everything off. So I made the necessary adjustments to my application that I hadn't already done and printed everything out, which included the checklist, application, proof of enrollment for my TEFL course and the Sworn Declaration (promising that I'll finish the course by the given date), copy my passport information page, and gather my transcript and recommendation letters together. 

THEN I had to go to Walgreens to get passport photos made.... 2 photos for $10.99!!! WTF! After waiting for those, I went over to the UPS store to make copies of everything, one set for the EPIK office, one for myself, then packaged everything up and sent it off, which cost a whopping $92 plus the $8 in copies!!!! Wow this endeavor is starting to cost some MULAH! But will be totally worth it WHEN I get a job (notice the positivity).

So 67 copies and $110 later, all of my documents are shipped! Now I have to wait for the EPIK office to receive my documents, then recommend them to an education office (hopefully Daegu's), then either get an offer, or not, and then they would continue to send my documents to other education offices until I get an offer (hopefully). Once I get an offer, they will send me a placement email, and while I'm waiting for my contract to be mailed to me, I'll have to take an online preparation course. THEN, when I get my contract, I'll have to go get my visa! 

Hopefully all goes well, and hopefully this process will happen quickly. And HOPEFULLY I'll get an offer!!

Keep your fingers crossed!

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